General Information
HUS Pelletron Accelerator is the leading research accelerator facility in Vietnam. It is one of the highlight facilities of the “Laboratory for Ion beam and Nuclear Applications” (LINA), Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics.
General Information
RF Charge Exchange Ion Source (Alphatross)
The primary purpose of the NEC RF charge exchange ion source, known as Alphatross, is to generate beams of He- ions for injection into tandem accelerators. Additionally, this source has the capability to generate beams of H–, NH–, and O– ions.
RF Charge Exchange Ion Source (Alphatross)
Source of Negative Ions by Cesium Sputtering (SNICS)
The primary purpose of the NEC RF charge exchange ion source, known as Alphatross, is to generate beams of He- ions for injection into tandem accelerators. Additionally, this source has the capability to generate beams of H–, NH–, and O– ions.
Source of Negative Ions by Cesium Sputtering (SNICS)
Available Beams
Typical cross section of the beam spot for IBA beamline: 0.8 cm X 0.8 cm. Typical cross section of beam spot for Implantation beamline: 10 cm x 10 cm (Beam uniforminty can be adjusted using raster scanner).
Available Beams
Education Activities
For years, our facility offers students many chances to experience an accelerator facility: beam optics, vacuum components and ion sources Student experiments: Rutherford experiment , PIXE analysis of thin and thick samples.
Education Activities
IBA Beamline
The NEC ion beam analysis (IBA) endstation, model RC43, provides a complete IBA system offering automatic unattended data collection and can perform qualitative analysis using multiple techniques such as RBS, ERD, NRA and PIXE simultaneously.
IBA Beamline
Nuclear Physics and Applications
Nuclear physics experiments using MeV beam can be conducted, along with possible use of Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) Technique - an analytical application of nuclear reaction.
Nuclear Physics and Applications
Implantation Beamline
The Implant Endstation is a manual single wafer handler. The chamber is designed to ensure accurate dose monitoring with uniform deposition.
Implantation Beamline
Operation Records
The operational records of the accelerator are given here
Operation Records
PIXE Analysis
A reliable procedure for PIXE analysis of thick target sample has been developed, calibrated and standarlized. As part of the QA/QC protocol of the laboratory, several standard samples measured using our thick target PIXE (TTPIXE) analysis procedure.
PIXE Analysis
RBS Analysis
Among the research activities on the RBS system of the HUS Pelletron Laboratory: A computer program has been developed in the HUS Pelletron Laboratory to sinulate RBS spectra with similar features with the popular program RUMP.
RBS Analysis
MeV Ion Implantation
Semiconductor doping Damage study Silicon substrates Sputtering Surface finishing Gemstone modification
MeV Ion Implantation