Nuclear Physics and Applications

Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA): an analytical application of nuclear reaction
Energy calibration for the accelerator by using nuclear resonance reactions
- For studying nuclear reactions induced by charged particle beam, energy of beam delivered by the accelerator must be known exactly
- Energy calibration for the accelerator was carried out using resonance nuclear reaction 27Al(p,γ)28Si in which the energies of resonances are known with very good accuracy
- This is a first nuclear reaction induced by charged particles experiment using our accelerator
Nuclear astrophysics study
10B(p,α)7Be: test experiment for the inverse reaction 7Be(α,p)10B, relevant to the astrophysical νp-process
10B(p,α)7Be: preliminary results from test experiment
Direct measurement of 10B(α,p) cross-section, relevant to the astrophysical νp-process
Si PIN detector test: Toward direct measurement of reaction cross-section
- Measure energy spectrum and angular distribution of the reaction products: α, p directly using low cost newly developed Si PIN photodiode detector
A case study using pelletron accelerator: fundamental physics
- Abnomaly in e+e- invariant mass spectrum from 8Be nuclear transition
- Possible explainations: new neural boson, dark matter, fifth force etc…
- An experiment at the HUS Pelletron is being proposed to reproduce this result